Sup team? Can I be real within you for a moment?
If you wish to 4x your business,
by attracting 4x as many DREAM clients,
That are a perfect match for you,
Ready to pay upfront, in full,
And respect your wisdom at a level that
Produces unheard-of results from your work,
Then here’s the secret that most quick-fix markets won’t tell you…
The most important thing that you can do,
Is wake up every day, and follow a system,
That has you intimately & intricately crafting
Unexplainably potent & powerful content that….
Penetrates the deepest depths of your dream client’s psyche.
Before you roll your eyes because you already ‘know this’,
Before you whinge because you don’t want to create content every day,
And before you hire Pedro that says you can have clients for free without lifting a finger,
Hear me out for a moment longer:
If you’re not attracting dream clients on demand,
If you’re not fully booking your programs and offers,
Then you don’t have a scale problem,
You don’t have a time problem,
You have a focus problem.
Your focus is in the wrong area.
Your focus should be on developing the SKILL of speaking to your dream clients,
with more intimacy & potency than anyone else, on the entire planet.
This is a concept that has worked, for my entire 12 years of being in business.
This concept is not a phase, not a fad, and not a trick.
It’s basic psychology.
If you don’t know ‘how’ to create content like that, pay me to guide you.
But for the love of god,
Don’t stop…
Until your dream clients…
Are at your doorstep with pitchforks…
And until cash, is oozing from your pores.